Hello Champ!
I have some very very good
news, and an offer that I just
thought up for you in this
email, so strap in here we go!
Our twist to this is we give 3 month licenses away absolutely free and
then watch the new users go out of their minds telling everyone they can
about how good it is and how much money they are making. And they are
specially coded to the member who shared their funnel with them…
First here’s some upated items:
1) Our order page is now updated
2) New logo for marketing AWT
3) Members Update page updated
4) Price points and info is set.
Please keep in mind these figures
are not carved in stone, I think
they are what we’ll go with but
there still can be changes.
I want to give you what I believe
are conservative and reasonable
example incomes.
4 levels of membership:
1) Trial Users
2) Monthly Users
3) Reseller I Level Users
4) Reseller II Business Pro Level
Let’s talk income, here are the
four income streams you will
have with AWT.
1) Selling Solo Ads
2) Selling your items to your list
3) Reseller I income or
4) Reseller II Pro income
Ok, that oughta get your motor
Something Wonderful Is Happening!
All my best,
Richard moore
Outrageously Good News From AWT New Launch